Francesco J. Sinopoli, DC

Office Location
Kingman, AZ 86401-2311
About Me
Chiropractic care involves conservative and non-invasive treatment to relieve pain. Dr. Sinopoli uses manual therapy to treat patients, aiming for fast and effective care. He states that his approach centers on “patient care as the top priority” and that his goal is to get patients out of pain and on with their lives as soon as possible.
Dr. Sinopoli attended the University of Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon, where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree before moving on to a Chiropractic associateship in Reno, Nevada. Dr. Sinopoli co-founded his practice, Mohave Family Chiropractic in 2012. He joined 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 in 2016.
Dr. Sinopoli certified as a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians (DACBSP®). This certification requires extensive training in the evaluation of physical fitness and the assessment and treatment of sports-related injuries.
To become certified, Dr. Sinopoli completed over 300 hours of postgraduate education, followed by both a comprehensive written examination and a practical (hands-on) exam. The certification also required Dr. Sinopoli to write and publish a sports-related paper in a peer-reviewed journal. Dr. Sinopoli has provided over 100 hours of care and treatment to athletes outside a clinical setting, including sporting events such as the Dew Tour.
Dr. Sinopoli says this training will enhance the care he provides to his patients. “The certification process has been extensive, but incredibly valuable to my practice, enabling me to better prevent and treat sports injuries in the athlete-patients I see.”
The DACBSP accreditation exists to provide a uniform standard of education that assures teams and athletes that the doctor has met a high level of competency in chiropractic sports medicine. Dr. Sinopoli joins 300 others nationally who hold this designation.
Dr. Sinopoli is available for coverage of sports events. Call Kingman Orthopedics at (928) 263-3516.